Source code for woodwork.deserialize

import json
import os
import tarfile
import tempfile
import warnings
from itertools import zip_longest
from pathlib import Path

import pandas as pd

import woodwork as ww
from woodwork.exceptions import OutdatedSchemaWarning, UpgradeSchemaWarning
from woodwork.s3_utils import get_transport_params, use_smartopen
from woodwork.serialize import FORMATS, SCHEMA_VERSION
from woodwork.utils import _is_s3, _is_url, import_or_raise

[docs]def read_table_typing_information(path): """Read Woodwork typing information from disk, S3 path, or URL. Args: path (str): Location on disk, S3 path, or URL to read `woodwork_typing_info.json`. Returns: dict: Woodwork typing information dictionary """ path = os.path.abspath(path) assert os.path.exists(path), '"{}" does not exist'.format(path) file = os.path.join(path, 'woodwork_typing_info.json') with open(file, 'r') as file: typing_info = json.load(file) typing_info['path'] = path return typing_info
def _typing_information_to_woodwork_table(table_typing_info, validate, **kwargs): """Deserialize Woodwork table from table description. Args: table_typing_info (dict) : Woodwork typing information. Likely generated using :meth:`.serialize.typing_info_to_dict` validate (bool): Whether parameter and data validation should occur during table initialization kwargs (keywords): Additional keyword arguments to pass as keywords arguments to the underlying deserialization method. Returns: DataFrame: DataFrame with Woodwork typing information initialized. """ _check_schema_version(table_typing_info['schema_version']) path = table_typing_info['path'] loading_info = table_typing_info['loading_info'] file = os.path.join(path, loading_info['location']) load_format = loading_info['type'] assert load_format in FORMATS kwargs = loading_info.get('params', {}) table_type = loading_info.get('table_type', 'pandas') logical_types = {} semantic_tags = {} column_descriptions = {} column_metadata = {} use_standard_tags = {} category_dtypes = {} for col in table_typing_info['column_typing_info']: col_name = col['name'] ltype_metadata = col['logical_type'] ltype = ww.type_system.str_to_logical_type(ltype_metadata['type'], params=ltype_metadata['parameters']) tags = col['semantic_tags'] if 'index' in tags: tags.remove('index') elif 'time_index' in tags: tags.remove('time_index') logical_types[col_name] = ltype semantic_tags[col_name] = tags column_descriptions[col_name] = col['description'] column_metadata[col_name] = col['metadata'] use_standard_tags[col_name] = col['use_standard_tags'] if col['physical_type']['type'] == 'category': # Make sure categories are recreated properly cat_values = col['physical_type']['cat_values'] cat_dtype = col['physical_type']['cat_dtype'] if table_type == 'pandas': cat_object = pd.CategoricalDtype(pd.Index(cat_values, dtype=cat_dtype)) else: cat_object = pd.CategoricalDtype(pd.Series(cat_values)) category_dtypes[col_name] = cat_object compression = kwargs['compression'] if table_type == 'dask': DASK_ERR_MSG = ( 'Cannot load Dask DataFrame - unable to import Dask.\n\n' 'Please install with pip or conda:\n\n' 'python -m pip install "woodwork[dask]"\n\n' 'conda install dask' ) lib = import_or_raise('dask.dataframe', DASK_ERR_MSG) elif table_type == 'koalas': KOALAS_ERR_MSG = ( 'Cannot load Koalas DataFrame - unable to import Koalas.\n\n' 'Please install with pip or conda:\n\n' 'python -m pip install "woodwork[koalas]"\n\n' 'conda install koalas\n\n' 'conda install pyspark' ) lib = import_or_raise('databricks.koalas', KOALAS_ERR_MSG) compression = str(compression) else: lib = pd if load_format == 'csv': dataframe = lib.read_csv( file, engine=kwargs['engine'], compression=compression, encoding=kwargs['encoding'], dtype=category_dtypes, ) elif load_format == 'pickle': dataframe = pd.read_pickle(file, **kwargs) elif load_format == 'parquet': dataframe = lib.read_parquet(file, engine=kwargs['engine']) dataframe.ww.init( name=table_typing_info.get('name'), index=table_typing_info.get('index'), time_index=table_typing_info.get('time_index'), logical_types=logical_types, semantic_tags=semantic_tags, use_standard_tags=use_standard_tags, table_metadata=table_typing_info.get('table_metadata'), column_metadata=column_metadata, column_descriptions=column_descriptions, validate=validate) return dataframe
[docs]def read_woodwork_table(path, profile_name=None, validate=False, **kwargs): """Read Woodwork table from disk, S3 path, or URL. Args: path (str): Directory on disk, S3 path, or URL to read `woodwork_typing_info.json`. profile_name (str, bool): The AWS profile specified to write to S3. Will default to None and search for AWS credentials. Set to False to use an anonymous profile. validate (bool, optional): Whether parameter and data validation should occur when initializing Woodwork dataframe during deserialization. Defaults to False. Note: If serialized data was modified outside of Woodwork and you are unsure of the validity of the data or typing information, `validate` should be set to True. kwargs (keywords): Additional keyword arguments to pass as keyword arguments to the underlying deserialization method. Returns: DataFrame: DataFrame with Woodwork typing information initialized. """ if _is_url(path) or _is_s3(path): with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir: file_name = Path(path).name file_path = os.path.join(tmpdir, file_name) transport_params = None if _is_s3(path): transport_params = get_transport_params(profile_name) use_smartopen(file_path, path, transport_params) with as tar: tar.extractall(path=tmpdir) table_typing_info = read_table_typing_information(tmpdir) return _typing_information_to_woodwork_table(table_typing_info, validate, **kwargs) else: table_typing_info = read_table_typing_information(path) return _typing_information_to_woodwork_table(table_typing_info, validate, **kwargs)
def _check_schema_version(saved_version_str): """Warns users if the schema used to save their data is greater than the latest supported schema or if it is an outdated schema that is no longer supported.""" saved = saved_version_str.split('.') current = SCHEMA_VERSION.split('.') for c_num, s_num in zip_longest(current, saved, fillvalue=0): if int(c_num) > int(s_num): break elif int(c_num) < int(s_num): warnings.warn(UpgradeSchemaWarning().get_warning_message(saved_version_str, SCHEMA_VERSION), UpgradeSchemaWarning) break # Check if saved has older major version. if int(current[0]) > int(saved[0]): warnings.warn(OutdatedSchemaWarning().get_warning_message(saved_version_str), OutdatedSchemaWarning)