Source code for woodwork.logical_types

import re
import warnings
from datetime import datetime
from typing import Optional

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from pandas import CategoricalDtype
from pandas.api import types as pdtypes

import woodwork as ww
from woodwork.accessor_utils import _is_dask_series, _is_spark_series
from woodwork.config import config
from woodwork.exceptions import (
from woodwork.type_sys.utils import _get_specified_ltype_params
from woodwork.utils import (

dd = import_or_none("dask.dataframe")
ps = import_or_none("pyspark.pandas")

class ClassNameDescriptor(object):
    """Descriptor to convert a class's name from camelcase to snakecase"""

    def __get__(self, instance, class_):
        return camel_to_snake(class_.__name__)

class LogicalTypeMetaClass(type):
    def __repr__(cls):
        return cls.__name__

class LogicalType(object, metaclass=LogicalTypeMetaClass):
    """Base class for all other Logical Types"""

    type_string = ClassNameDescriptor()
    primary_dtype = "string"
    pyspark_dtype = None
    standard_tags = set()

    def __eq__(self, other, deep=False):
        return isinstance(other, self.__class__) and _get_specified_ltype_params(
        ) == _get_specified_ltype_params(self)

    def __str__(self):
        return str(self.__class__)

    def _get_valid_dtype(cls, series_type):
        """Return the dtype that is considered valid for a series with the given logical_type"""
        if ps and series_type == ps.Series and cls.pyspark_dtype:
            return cls.pyspark_dtype
            return cls.primary_dtype

    def transform(self, series, null_invalid_values=False):
        """Converts the series dtype to match the logical type's if it is different."""
        new_dtype = self._get_valid_dtype(type(series))
        if new_dtype != str(series.dtype):
            # Update the underlying series
                series = series.astype(new_dtype)
            except (TypeError, ValueError):
                raise TypeConversionError(series, new_dtype, type(self))
        return series

    def validate(self, series, *args, **kwargs):
        """Validates that a logical type is consistent with the series dtype. Performs additional type
        specific validation, as required. When the series' dtype does not match the logical types' required dtype,
        raises a TypeValidationError."""
        valid_dtype = self._get_valid_dtype(type(series))
        if valid_dtype != str(series.dtype):
            raise TypeValidationError(
                f"Series dtype '{series.dtype}' is incompatible with {self.type_string} LogicalType, try converting to {valid_dtype} dtype",

[docs]class Address(LogicalType): """Represents Logical Types that contain address values. Examples: .. code-block:: python ['1 Miller Drive, New York, NY 12345', '1 Berkeley Street, Boston, MA 67891'] ['26387 Russell Hill, Dallas, TX 34521', '54305 Oxford Street, Seattle, WA 95132'] """ primary_dtype = "string"
[docs]class Age(LogicalType): """Represents Logical Types that contain whole numbers indicating a person's age. Has 'numeric' as a standard tag. Examples: .. code-block:: python [15, 22, 45] [30, 62, 87] """ primary_dtype = "int64" standard_tags = {"numeric"} def validate(self, series, return_invalid_values=True): """Validates age values by checking for non-negative values. Args: series (Series): Series of age values return_invalid_values (bool): Whether or not to return invalid age values Returns: Series: If return_invalid_values is True, returns invalid age values. """ return _validate_age(series, return_invalid_values)
[docs]class AgeFractional(LogicalType): """Represents Logical Types that contain non-negative floating point numbers indicating a person's age. Has 'numeric' as a standard tag. May also contain null values. Examples: .. code-block:: python [0.34, 24.34, 45.0] [30.5, 62.82, np.nan] """ primary_dtype = "float64" standard_tags = {"numeric"} def transform(self, series, null_invalid_values=False): if null_invalid_values: series = _coerce_age(series, fractional=True) return super().transform(series) def validate(self, series, return_invalid_values=True): """Validates age values by checking for non-negative values. Args: series (Series): Series of age values return_invalid_values (bool): Whether or not to return invalid age values Returns: Series: If return_invalid_values is True, returns invalid age values. """ return _validate_age(series, return_invalid_values)
[docs]class AgeNullable(LogicalType): """Represents Logical Types that contain whole numbers indicating a person's age. Has 'numeric' as a standard tag. May also contain null values. Examples: .. code-block:: python [np.nan, 22, 45] [30, 62, np.nan] """ primary_dtype = "Int64" standard_tags = {"numeric"} def transform(self, series, null_invalid_values=False): if null_invalid_values: series = _coerce_age(series, fractional=False) return super().transform(series) def validate(self, series, return_invalid_values=True): """Validates age values by checking for non-negative values. Args: series (Series): Series of age values return_invalid_values (bool): Whether or not to return invalid age values Returns: Series: If return_invalid_values is True, returns invalid age values. """ return _validate_age(series, return_invalid_values)
[docs]class Boolean(LogicalType): """Represents Logical Types that contain binary values indicating true/false. Args: cast_nulls_as (bool): If provided, null values in the column will be cast to this default bool, otherwise will raise an error if None. Defaults to None. Examples: .. code-block:: python [True, False, True] [0, 1, 1] """ primary_dtype = "bool"
[docs] def __init__(self, cast_nulls_as=None): if cast_nulls_as and not isinstance(cast_nulls_as, bool): raise ValueError( f"Parameter `cast_nulls_as` must be either True or False, recieved {cast_nulls_as}", ) self.cast_nulls_as = cast_nulls_as
def transform(self, series, null_invalid_values=False): """Validates Boolean values by checking for valid boolean equivalents. Args: series (series): Series of boolean values Returns: Series: Returns column transformed into boolean type """ ve = ValueError( "Expected no null values in this Boolean column. If you want to keep the nulls, use BooleanNullable type. Otherwise, cast these nulls to a boolean value with the `cast_null_as` parameter.", ) is_dask = _is_dask_series(series) if not pdtypes.is_dtype_equal("bool", series.dtype): if (is_dask and series.isna().any().compute()) or ( not is_dask and series.isna().any() ): if self.cast_nulls_as is None: raise ve series.fillna(self.cast_nulls_as, inplace=True) series = _coerce_boolean(series, True) return super().transform(series)
[docs]class BooleanNullable(LogicalType): """Represents Logical Types that contain binary values indicating true/false. May also contain null values. Examples: .. code-block:: python [True, False, None] [0, 1, 1] """ primary_dtype = "boolean" def transform(self, series, null_invalid_values=False): series = _replace_nans(series, self.primary_dtype) series = _coerce_boolean(series, null_invalid_values) return super().transform(series)
[docs]class Categorical(LogicalType): """Represents Logical Types that contain unordered discrete values that fall into one of a set of possible values. Has 'category' as a standard tag. Examples: .. code-block:: python ["red", "green", "blue"] ["produce", "dairy", "bakery"] [3, 1, 2] """ primary_dtype = "category" pyspark_dtype = "string" standard_tags = {"category"}
[docs] def __init__(self, encoding=None): # encoding dict(str -> int) # user can specify the encoding to use downstream pass
[docs]class CountryCode(LogicalType): """Represents Logical Types that use the ISO-3166 standard country code to represent countries. ISO 3166-1 (countries) are supported. These codes should be in the Alpha-2 format. Examples: .. code-block:: python ["AU", "US", "UA"] ["GB", "NZ", "DE"] """ primary_dtype = "category" pyspark_dtype = "string" standard_tags = {"category"}
[docs]class CurrencyCode(LogicalType): """Represents Logical Types that use the ISO-4217 internation standard currency code to represent currencies. Examples: .. code-block:: python ["GBP", "JPY", "USD"] ["SAR", "EUR", "CZK"] """ primary_dtype = "category" pyspark_dtype = "string" standard_tags = {"category"}
[docs]class Datetime(LogicalType): """Represents Logical Types that contain date and time information. Args: datetime_format (str): Desired datetime format for data Examples: .. code-block:: python ["2020-09-10", "2020-01-10 00:00:00", "01/01/2000 08:30"] """ primary_dtype = "datetime64[ns]" datetime_format = None
[docs] def __init__(self, datetime_format=None, timezone=None): self.datetime_format = datetime_format self.timezone = timezone
def _remove_timezone(self, series): """Removes timezone from series and stores in logical type.""" if hasattr(series.dtype, "tz") and self.timezone = str( series = series.dt.tz_localize(None) return series def transform(self, series, null_invalid_values=False): """Converts the series data to a formatted datetime. Datetime format will be inferred if datetime_format is None.""" def _year_filter(date): """Applies a filter to the years to ensure that the pivot point isn't too far forward.""" if date.year > + 10: date = date.replace(year=date.year - 100) return date new_dtype = self._get_valid_dtype(type(series)) series = self._remove_timezone(series) series_dtype = str(series.dtype) if new_dtype != series_dtype: self.datetime_format = self.datetime_format or _infer_datetime_format( series, ) utc = self.datetime_format and self.datetime_format.endswith("%z") if _is_dask_series(series): name = series = dd.to_datetime( series, format=self.datetime_format, errors="coerce", utc=utc, ) = name elif _is_spark_series(series): series = ps.Series( ps.to_datetime( series.to_numpy(), format=self.datetime_format, errors="coerce", ),, ) else: try: series = pd.to_datetime( series, format=self.datetime_format, utc=utc, ) except (TypeError, ValueError): warnings.warn( f"Some rows in series '{}' are incompatible with datetime format " f"'{self.datetime_format}' and have been replaced with null values. You may be " "able to fix this by using an instantiated Datetime logical type with a different format " "string specified for this column during Woodwork initialization.", TypeConversionWarning, ) series = pd.to_datetime( series, format=self.datetime_format, errors="coerce", utc=utc, ) series = self._remove_timezone(series) if self.datetime_format is not None and "%y" in self.datetime_format: if _is_spark_series(series): series = series.transform(_year_filter) else: series = series.apply(_year_filter) return super().transform(series)
[docs]class Double(LogicalType): """Represents Logical Types that contain positive and negative numbers, some of which include a fractional component. Includes zero (0). Has 'numeric' as a standard tag. Examples: .. code-block:: python [1.2, 100.4, 3.5] [-15.34, 100, 58.3] """ primary_dtype = "float64" standard_tags = {"numeric"} def transform(self, series, null_invalid_values=False): series = _replace_nans(series, self.primary_dtype) if null_invalid_values: series = _coerce_numeric(series) return super().transform(series)
[docs]class Integer(LogicalType): """Represents Logical Types that contain positive and negative numbers without a fractional component, including zero (0). Has 'numeric' as a standard tag. Examples: .. code-block:: python [100, 35, 0] [-54, 73, 11] """ primary_dtype = "int64" standard_tags = {"numeric"}
[docs]class IntegerNullable(LogicalType): """Represents Logical Types that contain positive and negative numbers without a fractional component, including zero (0). May contain null values. Has 'numeric' as a standard tag. Examples: .. code-block:: python [100, 35, np.nan] [-54, 73, 11] """ primary_dtype = "Int64" standard_tags = {"numeric"} def transform(self, series, null_invalid_values=False): """Converts a series dtype to Int64. Args: series (Series): A series of data values. null_invalid_values (bool): If true, nulls invalid integers by coercing the series to string, numeric, and then nulling out floats with decimals. Defaults to False. Returns: Series: A series of integers. """ series = _replace_nans(series, self.primary_dtype) if null_invalid_values: series = _coerce_integer(series) return super().transform(series)
[docs]class EmailAddress(LogicalType): """Represents Logical Types that contain email address values. Examples: .. code-block:: python ["[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]"] """ primary_dtype = "string" def transform(self, series, null_invalid_values=False): if null_invalid_values: series = _coerce_string(series, regex="email_inference_regex") return super().transform(series) def validate(self, series, return_invalid_values=False): """Validates email address values based on the regex in the config. Args: series (Series): Series of email address values return_invalid_values (bool): Whether or not to return invalid email address values Returns: Series: If return_invalid_values is True, returns invalid email address. """ return _regex_validate("email_inference_regex", series, return_invalid_values)
[docs]class Filepath(LogicalType): """Represents Logical Types that specify locations of directories and files in a file system. Examples: .. code-block:: python ["/usr/local/bin", "/Users/john.smith/dev/index.html", "/tmp"] """ primary_dtype = "string"
[docs]class PersonFullName(LogicalType): """Represents Logical Types that may contain first, middle and last names, including honorifics and suffixes. Examples: .. code-block:: python ["Mr. John Doe, Jr.", "Doe, Mrs. Jane", "James Brown"] """ primary_dtype = "string"
[docs]class IPAddress(LogicalType): """Represents Logical Types that contain IP addresses, including both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. Examples: .. code-block:: python ["", "", "2001:0db8:0000:0000:0000:ff00:0042:8329"] """ primary_dtype = "string"
[docs]class LatLong(LogicalType): """Represents Logical Types that contain latitude and longitude values in decimal degrees. Note: LatLong values will be stored with the object dtype as a tuple of floats (or a list of floats for Spark DataFrames) and must contain only two values. Null latitude or longitude values will be stored as np.nan, and a fully null LatLong (np.nan, np.nan) will be stored as just a single nan. Examples: .. code-block:: python [(33.670914, -117.841501), (40.423599, -86.921162), (-45.031705, nan)] """ primary_dtype = "object" def transform(self, series, null_invalid_values=False): """Formats a series to be a tuple (or list for Spark) of two floats.""" if null_invalid_values: series = _coerce_latlong(series) if _is_dask_series(series): name = meta = (name, tuple([float, float])) series = series.apply(_reformat_to_latlong, meta=meta) elif _is_spark_series(series): formatted_series = series.to_pandas().apply( _reformat_to_latlong, is_spark=True, ) series = ps.from_pandas(formatted_series) else: series = series.apply(_reformat_to_latlong) return super().transform(series) def validate(self, series, return_invalid_values=False): # TODO: we'll want to actually handle return_invalid_values in the ordinal and latlong logical types. super().validate(series) if not _is_valid_latlong_series(series): raise TypeValidationError( "Cannot initialize Woodwork. Series does not contain properly formatted " "LatLong data. Try reformatting before initializing or use the " "woodwork.init_series function to initialize.", )
[docs]class NaturalLanguage(LogicalType): """Represents Logical Types that contain text or characters representing natural human language Examples: .. code-block:: python ["This is a short sentence.", "I like to eat pizza!", "When will humans go to mars?"] """ primary_dtype = "string"
[docs]class Unknown(LogicalType): """Represents Logical Types that cannot be inferred as a specific Logical Type. It is assumed to contain string data. Examples: .. code-block:: python ["ax23n9ck23l", "1,28&*_%*&&xejc", "xnmvz@@Dcmeods-0"] """ primary_dtype = "string"
[docs]class Ordinal(LogicalType): """Represents Logical Types that contain ordered discrete values. Has 'category' as a standard tag. Args: order (list or tuple): An list or tuple specifying the order of the ordinal values from low to high. The underlying series cannot contain values that are not present in the order values. Examples: .. code-block:: python ["first", "second", "third"] ["bronze", "silver", "gold"] """ primary_dtype = "category" pyspark_dtype = "string" standard_tags = {"category"}
[docs] def __init__(self, order=None): self.order = order
def _validate_order_values(self, series): """Make sure order values are properly defined and confirm the supplied series does not contain any values that are not in the specified order values""" if self.order is None: raise TypeError("Must use an Ordinal instance with order values defined") elif not isinstance(self.order, (list, tuple)): raise TypeError("Order values must be specified in a list or tuple") if len(self.order) != len(set(self.order)): raise ValueError("Order values cannot contain duplicates") if isinstance(series, pd.Series): missing_order_vals = set(series.dropna().values).difference(self.order) if missing_order_vals: error_msg = ( f"Ordinal column {} contains values that are not present " f"in the order values provided: {sorted(list(missing_order_vals))}" ) raise ValueError(error_msg) def transform(self, series, null_invalid_values=False): """Validates the series and converts the dtype to match the logical type's if it is different.""" self._validate_order_values(series) typed_ser = super().transform(series) if isinstance(typed_ser.dtype, CategoricalDtype): typed_ser =, ordered=True) return typed_ser def validate(self, series, return_invalid_values=False): # TODO: we'll want to actually handle return_invalid_values in the ordinal and latlong logical types. super().validate(series) self._validate_order_values(series) def __str__(self): return "{}: {}".format(self.__class__, self.order)
[docs]class PhoneNumber(LogicalType): """Represents Logical Types that contain numeric digits and characters representing a phone number. Examples: .. code-block:: python ["1-(555)-123-5495", "+1-555-123-5495", "5551235495"] """ primary_dtype = "string" def transform(self, series, null_invalid_values=False): if null_invalid_values: series = _coerce_string(series, regex="phone_inference_regex") return super().transform(series) def validate(self, series, return_invalid_values=False): """Validates PhoneNumber values based on the regex in the config. By default, this validates US/Canada-based phone numbers. Args: series (Series): Series of phone number values. return_invalid_values (bool): Whether or not to return invalid phone numbers. Returns: Series: If return_invalid_values is True, returns invalid phone numbers. """ return _regex_validate("phone_inference_regex", series, return_invalid_values)
[docs]class SubRegionCode(LogicalType): """Represents Logical Types that use the ISO-3166 standard sub-region code to represent a portion of a larger geographic region. ISO 3166-2 (sub-regions) codes are supported. These codes should be in the Alpha-2 format. Examples: .. code-block:: python ["US-CO", "US-MA", "US-CA"] ["AU-NSW", "AU-TAS", "AU-QLD"] """ primary_dtype = "category" pyspark_dtype = "string" standard_tags = {"category"}
[docs]class Timedelta(LogicalType): """Represents Logical Types that contain values specifying a duration of time Examples: .. code-block:: python [pd.Timedelta('1 days 00:00:00'), pd.Timedelta('-1 days +23:40:00'), pd.Timedelta('4 days 12:00:00')] """ primary_dtype = "timedelta64[ns]"
[docs]class URL(LogicalType): """Represents Logical Types that contain URLs, which may include protocol, hostname and file name Examples: .. code-block:: python ["", "", ""] """ primary_dtype = "string" def transform(self, series, null_invalid_values=False): if null_invalid_values: series = _coerce_string(series, regex="url_inference_regex") return super().transform(series) def validate(self, series, return_invalid_values=False): """Validates URL values based on the regex in the config. Args: series (Series): Series of URL values return_invalid_values (bool): Whether or not to return invalid URLs Returns: Series: If return_invalid_values is True, returns invalid URLs. """ return _regex_validate("url_inference_regex", series, return_invalid_values)
[docs]class PostalCode(LogicalType): """Represents Logical Types that contain a series of postal codes for representing a group of addresses. Has 'category' as a standard tag. Examples: .. code-block:: python ["90210" "60018-0123", "10010"] """ primary_dtype = "category" pyspark_dtype = "string" standard_tags = {"category"} def transform(self, series, null_invalid_values=False): if null_invalid_values: series = _coerce_postal_code(series) if pd.api.types.is_numeric_dtype(series): try: series = series.astype("Int64").astype("string") except TypeError: raise TypeConversionError(series, "string", type(self)) return super().transform(series) def validate(self, series, return_invalid_values=False): """Validates PostalCode values based on the regex in the config. Currently only validates US Postal codes. Args: series (Series): Series of PostalCode values. return_invalid_values (bool): Whether or not to return invalid PostalCodes. Returns: Series: If return_invalid_values is True, returns invalid PostalCodes. """ return _regex_validate( "postal_code_inference_regex", series, return_invalid_values, )
_NULLABLE_PHYSICAL_TYPES = { "boolean", "category", "datetime64[ns]", "Int8", "Int16", "Int32", "Int64", "Float32", "Float64", "float16", "float32", "float64", "float128", "object", "string", "timedelta64[ns]", } def _regex_validate(regex_key, series, return_invalid_values): """Validates data values based on the logical type regex in the config.""" invalid = _get_index_invalid_string(series, regex_key) if return_invalid_values: return series[invalid] else: any_invalid = invalid.any() if dd and isinstance(any_invalid, dd.core.Scalar): any_invalid = any_invalid.compute() if any_invalid: type_string = { "url_inference_regex": "url", "email_inference_regex": "email address", "phone_inference_regex": "phone number", "postal_code_inference_regex": "postal code", }[regex_key] info = f"Series {} contains invalid {type_string} values. " info += f"The {regex_key} can be changed in the config if needed." raise TypeValidationError(info) def _replace_nans(series: pd.Series, primary_dtype: Optional[str] = None) -> pd.Series: """ Replaces empty string values, string representations of NaN values ("nan", "<NA>"), and NaN equivalents with np.nan or pd.NA depending on column dtype. """ original_dtype = series.dtype if primary_dtype == str(original_dtype): return series if str(original_dtype) == "string": series = series.replace(ww.config.get_option("nan_values"), pd.NA) return series if not _is_spark_series(series): series = series.replace(ww.config.get_option("nan_values"), np.nan) if str(original_dtype) == "boolean": series = series.astype(original_dtype) return series def _validate_age(series, return_invalid_values): """Validates data values are non-negative.""" invalid = _get_index_invalid_age(series) if return_invalid_values: return series[invalid] else: any_invalid = invalid.any() if dd and isinstance(any_invalid, dd.core.Scalar): any_invalid = any_invalid.compute() if any_invalid: info = f"Series {} contains negative values." raise TypeValidationError(info) def _get_index_invalid_integer(series): return series.mod(1).ne(0) def _get_index_invalid_string(series, regex_key): regex = config.get_option(regex_key) if _is_spark_series(series): def match(x): if isinstance(x, str): return bool(re.match(regex, x)) return series.apply(match).astype("boolean") == False # noqa: E712 else: return ~series.str.match(regex).astype("boolean") def _get_index_invalid_age(series): return def _get_index_invalid_latlong(series): return ~series.apply(_is_valid_latlong_value) def _coerce_string(series, regex=None): if pd.api.types.is_object_dtype(series) or not pd.api.types.is_string_dtype(series): series = series.astype("string") if isinstance(regex, str): invalid = _get_index_invalid_string(series, regex) if invalid.any(): series[invalid] = pd.NA return series def _coerce_numeric(series): if not pd.api.types.is_numeric_dtype(series): series = pd.to_numeric(_coerce_string(series), errors="coerce") return series def _coerce_boolean(series, null_invalid_values=False): if not pd.api.types.is_bool_dtype(series): series = _coerce_string(series).str.lower() return _transform_boolean(series, null_invalid_values) return series def _transform_boolean(series, null_invalid_values): boolean_inference_list = config.get_option("boolean_inference_strings").copy() boolean_inference_list.update({frozenset(["1", "0"]), frozenset(["1.0", "0.0"])}) boolean_transform_mappings = config.get_option("boolean_transform_mappings").copy() boolean_transform_mappings.update( { "1": True, "0": False, "1.0": True, "0.0": False, }, ) if null_invalid_values: series = series.apply(lambda x: boolean_transform_mappings.get(x, np.nan)) else: series = series.apply(lambda x: boolean_transform_mappings.get(x, x)) return series def _coerce_integer(series): series = _coerce_numeric(series) invalid = _get_index_invalid_integer(series) if invalid.any(): series[invalid] = None return series def _coerce_age(series, fractional=False): coerce_type = _coerce_numeric if fractional else _coerce_integer series = coerce_type(series) invalid = _get_index_invalid_age(series) if invalid.any(): series[invalid] = None return series def _coerce_latlong(series): invalid = _get_index_invalid_latlong(series) if invalid.any(): series[invalid] = None return series def _coerce_postal_code(series): if pd.api.types.is_numeric_dtype(series): series = _coerce_integer(series).astype("Int64") return _coerce_string(series, regex="postal_code_inference_regex")